Online Presence Management

Valued Content + Consistent Posting = Successful Online Presence

The 3 Major Building Blocks of Your Business Online Presence are:

  1. Your Website
  2. Your Google Business Profile
  3. Your Social Media Accounts

If you don't know where & how to get started in each of these 3, we can guide you.

If you already have one or more of these, but they aren't active enough or effective,

let us help you. 

The Challenge

Unlike traditional promotional efforts - advertising - Online Presence emphasizes "engagement" beyond just "impressions".  It's about 


  • "conversations", rather than just "messaging",
  • technology assisted "word of mouth", to increase your "reach",
  • consistently delivering useful information, "value", that supplements repeated "frequency".


Achieving these goals takes both time and effort.  It's can be a full-time job.

The Solution

We believe there are 4 critical elements to achieving success with Online Presence:


  1. Know what you're getting into.   Recognize that reaping the significant rewards that all 3 of these Building Blocks can bring, will require substantial time and effort.  If it's not something you're prepared to commit to, then you might be better off spending your time elsewhere.
  2. Have a strategy.   We can help you develop an effective strategy to build and engage your existing customers and potential clientele.
  3. Maximize Efficiency.  Let us show you the tools and how to get the maximum value for your content generating efforts by selecting and deploying technology assistance.
  4. Execute & Adjust.   Whether you carry out a plan we helped you develop, or you engage us to execute the plan, it's imperative to monitor key metrics and make adjustments as warranted.


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